ABBREVIATIONS Used in Oil & Gas Industries
ABS - American Bureau
of Shipping |
AFE - Authorization
for Expenditure |
AGA - American Gas
Association |
ALARP - As Low As
Reasonably Practicable |
AOF - Absolute Open
Flow |
API - American
Petroleum Institute |
API - Application
Programming Interface |
API RP - American
Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice |
AWB - Average
Wellbore Pressure |
BBL - Barrel (unit
of measurement for oil) |
BBS - Behavior-Based
Safety |
BD - Blow Down |
BEP - Best Efficiency
Point |
BHA - Bottom Hole
Assembly |
BHOP - Bottom Hole
Pressure |
BHP - Bottom Hole
Pressure |
BOEPD - Barrels of Oil
Equivalent Per Day |
BOP - Blowout
Preventer |
BOPD - Barrels of Oil
Per Day |
BSW - Basic Sediment
and Water |
BTU - British
Thermal Unit |
CAPEX - Capital
Expenditure |
CBL - Cement Bond Log |
CDU - Crude
Distillation Unit |
CGS - Completion and
Gas Separation |
CHDT - Cased Hole
Drill Through |
CO2 - Carbon Dioxide |
COSHH - Control of
Substances Hazardous to Health |
CSG - Coal Seam Gas |
CT - Coiled Tubing |
CV - Crown
Valve |
D&C - Drilling
and Completion |
DCA - Decline Curve
Analysis |
DDI - Drill Down
Inquiry |
DLS - Dogleg Severity |
DNV - Det Norske
Veritas |
DOT - Department of
Transportation |
DP - Dynamic
Positioning |
DPI - Dynamic
Positioning Indicator |
DRA - Drag Reducing
Agent |
DST - Drill Stem Test |
E&P -
Exploration and Production |
ECD - Equivalent
Circulating Density |
EHS - Environmental,
Health, and Safety |
EIA - Energy
Information Administration |
EOR - Enhanced Oil
Recovery |
EOT - End of Tubing |
EPA - Environmental
Protection Agency |
ERP - Emergency
Response Plan |
ESP - Electric
Submersible Pump |
EUR - Estimated
Ultimate Recovery |
FCC - Fluid Catalytic
Cracking |
FCP - Flow Control
Products |
FID - Final
Investment Decision |
FMEA - Failure Mode
and Effects Analysis |
FPS - Feet Per Second |
FPSO - Floating
Production Storage and Offloading |
FSO - Floating Storage
and Offloading |
GGF - Gas Gravity
Factor |
GGR - Gas Gas Ratio |
GHS - Globally
Harmonized System |
GIP - Gas Initially In
Place |
GOR - Gas to Oil Ratio |
GOR - Gas-Oil Ratio |
GPM - Gallons Per
Minute |
GTL - Gas to Liquids |
HAZID - Hazard
Identification |
HAZMAT - Hazardous
Materials |
HAZOP - Hazard and
Operability Study |
Hydrodesulfurization |
HFO - Heavy Fuel Oil |
HIPPS - High-Integrity
Pressure Protection System |
HMV - Hydraulic
Master Valve |
HOT - Hydraulic Oil
Tools |
HPHT - High-Pressure
High-Temperature |
HSE - Health, Safety,
and Environment |
HTHP - High
Temperature, High Pressure |
IADC - International
Association of Drilling Contractors |
IHWV - Inner
Hydraulic Wing valve |
IMO - International
Maritime Organization |
IOC - International
Oil Company |
IP - Initial
Production |
ISO - International
Organization for Standardization |
JAR - Drilling Jar |
JSA - Job Safety
Analysis |
JV - Joint Venture |
KOH - Potassium
Hydroxide |
LCM - Lost Circulation
Material |
LMRP - Lower Marine
Riser Package |
LNG - Liquefied
Natural Gas |
LOTO - Lockout Tagout |
LPG - Liquefied
Petroleum Gas |
LPT - Lower Packer
Penetrator Test |
LWD - Logging While
Drilling |
MAOP - Maximum
Allowable Operating Pressure |
MCF - Thousand Cubic
Feet |
MEDEVAC - Medical
Evacuation |
MLMV - Manual Lower
Master Valve |
MOPU - Mobile
Offshore Production Unit |
MPD - Managed
Pressure Drilling |
MSDS - Material Safety
Data Sheet |
MTBE - Methyl Tertiary
Butyl Ether |
MWD - Measurement
While Drilling |
NACE - National
Association of Corrosion Engineers |
NGL - Natural Gas
Liquids |
NOC - National Oil
Company |
NPS - Nominal Pipe
Size |
NPV - Net Present
Value |
NUI - Normally
Unattended Installation |
O&G - Oil and
Gas |
OBM - Oil-Based Mud |
OCTG - Oil Country
Tubular Goods |
OHWV - Outer
Hydraulic Wing Valve |
OPEC - Organization of
the Petroleum Exporting Countries |
OPEX - Operating
Expenditure |
OPR - Oil Production
Rate |
OSHA - Occupational
Safety and Health Administration |
OWC - Oil Water
Contact |
P&A - Plug and
Abandon |
PDC - Polycrystalline
Diamond Compact (Bit) |
PI - Productivity
Index |
PIG - Pipeline
Inspection Gauge |
POOH - Pull Out of
Hole |
POS - Point of Sale |
PPE - Personal
Protective Equipment |
PR - Pressure Ratio |
PSD - Pressure
Safety Device |
PTW - Permit to Work |
PVT - Pressure
Volume Temperature |
PVT - Pressure,
Volume, Temperature |
PWD - Pressure While
Drilling |
QA/QC - Quality
Assurance/Quality Control |
RF - Recovery Factor |
RFQ - Request for
Quotation |
RIH - Run In Hole |
ROI - Return on
Investment |
ROP - Rate of
Penetration |
ROV - Remotely
Operated Vehicle |
ROW - Right of Way |
SBM - Single Buoy
Mooring |
SBM - Synthetic-Based
Mud |
SCADA - Supervisory
Control and Data Acquisition |
SCS - Subsea Control
System |
SI - System
Integration |
SICP - Shut-In Casing
Pressure |
SIDPP - Shut-In Drill
Pipe Pressure |
SIMOPS - Simultaneous
Operations |
SPAR - Single Point
Anchor Reservoir |
SPP - Standpipe
Pressure |
SPUD - Start of Well
Drilling |
SRU - Sulfur Recovery
Unit |
SSSV - Subsurface
Safety Valve |
Surface-Controlled Subsurface Safety Valve |
STOIIP - Stock Tank
Oil Initially In Place |
SURF - Subsea
Umbilicals, Risers, and Flowlines |
SWP - Safe Work Permit |
TCI - Tungsten Carbide
Insert (Bit) |
TD - Total Depth |
TDV - Total Depth
Verification |
TKV - Tubing Kill
Valve |
TLP - Tension Leg
Platform |
TMD - True Measured
Depth |
TOC - Total Organic
Carbon |
TPH - Total
Petroleum Hydrocarbons |
TRIR - Total
Recordable Incident Rate |
UBD - Underbalanced
Drilling |
UMV - Underwater
Manifold Valve |
UOP - Universal Oil
Products |
UPT - Upper Packer
Penetrator Test |
VAT - Value-Added
Tax |
VOC - Volatile
Organic Compounds |
WBM - Water-Based Mud |
WBS - Work Breakdown
Structure |
WC - Water Cut |
WGR - Water Gas Ratio |
WOC - Wait on Cement |
WOR - Water Oil Ratio |
WPR - Water Production
Rate |
XMT - Xmas Tree |