Set Downhole Gauges (SOP) - Slickline


Objective: This SOP provides a step-by-step guide for the proper installation and removal of downhole gauges, ensuring accuracy and safety while handling these sensitive devices.


Pressure, temperature, and other critical parameters are monitored with downhole gauges in the oil and gas exploration and production industry. These metrics are essential for well integrity, reservoir management and production optimization, and provide real-time data. In order to accomplish this, it is best to have a systematic and methodical approach whilst ensuring both precision, operational safety and reliability of these gauges.

It provides a thorough Standard Operating Procedure (SOP for the setting of downhole gauges to ensure best practices for monitoring oil and gas wells. Ensuring you follow all these steps diligently regards safety and productivity, and leaves you with the best industry practices.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Setting Downhole Gauges

1. Pre-Operation Safety Measures

Closing Valves

Upon starting any outlook, it is important to verify the sector of important hut with valve is closed for a set to be in a long-term safety environment and be in a position to physical exercise the space (within the limit of doing so within the limits of the positions). These valves include:

✔Crown Valve (CV)

✔Hydraulic Master Valve (HMV)

Hydraulic Wing Valves (HWV)

✔Tubing Kill Valve (TKV)

2. Mobilization and Rig-Up

✔Wireline Unit Move-In and Rig-Up

✔On a wireline unit, mobilize with and stage at the well site.

✔Conduct equipment checks to confirm that all tools are functioning correctly.

✔Communicate with communication systems (incomprehensible, just some line to engrave)

✔Modifying Crown Valve Adapter Spool

✔Properly seat the crown valve adapter spool to provide a leak-free and stable connection between the wireline unit and the wellhead equipment.

3. Hosted by: Gauge Carrier and Tool Preparation

✔Preparing the Gauge Carrier

✔Check that the service company provides a proper gauge carrier to avoid damaging the gauges on deployment.

✔Centralize the carrier at the top of the tool string for easy retrieval post-op.

✔Lubricator Preparation used inventory management:- Record lubricator length

4. Downhole Gauge Installation and Configuration

✔Electronic Memory Gauge Installation

✔Insert PSIG electronic memory pressure / temperature gauges into the gauge carrier and secure by screws.

✔Bond and seal electronic gauges properly to prevent malfunction with a configured sample rate

✔Set the sampling rate to use when collecting data.

✔Review with engineers to ensure optimal sampling rate confirm conditions of the wells, capabilities of the gauges.

✔Caliper Calibration, Calibrate the gauge carrier and all wireline tools before running them downhole; Keep operational practice failure prevention through precise alignment and measurement accuracy.

5. Setting up the Wellhead and Blowout Preventer (BOP)

✔Connecting BOPE Using a Lubricator, Deploy the Blowout Preventer (BOP) attached to a lubricator as a well control measure.

✔Set all connections and integrity of the installation

✔Testing of BOP and Lubricator Pressure

✔Open the Crown Valve (CV) and Tubing Kill Valve (TKV)

Perform a pressure test with a 70% water / 30% glycol fluid mixture to ensure proper operation.

– If you are making further changes do this work before that!

6. Deployment of Gauges

✔Equalization and the Pressure Release: Equalize pressure by releasing pressure through the blow-down line across the hydraulic master valve (HMV).

✔Gauge deployment during stable pressure conditions.

✔Master Valve Operation for Hydraulic Systems

✔The HMV to start the tool deployment into the wellbore.

✔Run In Hole (RIH) and Landing Gauge: Run in hole (RIH) and soft land the gauge at the *Planned Bottom of Tubing Depth (PBTD).

✔Ensuring precise placement for accurate well data measurement.

7. But as most of you know, that could only be defined as a complete failure.

✔Pulling Out of Hole (POOH) - POOH with a slickline after the gauge is set.

✔Use tools properly to avoid causing damage to the equipment or unbalancing it.

✔Valve operation and pressure bleeding - Then CLOSE all the CV and slowly bleed off pressure through the blowdown line. It allows for a pressure transition safety prior to the operation.

✔Tree Flushing: Perform tree flushing (separation of wellhead tree water to residual contaminants as water is injected across the wellhead tree, if compatible. Assists in equipment integrity & avoids blockages.

8. Post-Operation Procedures

✔Last Valve Works and Rig Down: Bag the CV and strip the BOP and lubricator.

– Make sure that all equipment is fully disassembled and the list matched up.

✔Rig Down and Move Out

✔Conduct final checks on the wireline unit and tools.

✔Prepare to relieve the wireline unit and secure the equipment for mobility.


Oil and gas well operations depend upon accurate downhole measurements or gauges of the well to ensure operators are connecting the dots that lead to maximum efficiency and safety. However, companies following these step-by-step procedures can minimize risks, optimize performance, and maintain industry standards. Correct well-balanced installation and timely monitoring not only play a significant role well integrity, reservoir characterization, and long-runway production success.

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